the Shadow Cabinet

Mission Statement

@ShadowingTrump brings together 21 policy experts into a ‘Shadow Cabinet” that rebuts Trump & his Cabinet when they don’t lead but mislead. Sort of an online “Justice League” only instead of superheroes, we’re scholars, advocates and former public officials.

While President Trump of course has legal legitimacy to be president, he lacks moral legitimacy when he incessantly fabricates, distorts, denounces, misdirects, cherry-picks & self-enriches in an almost Orwellian long con. Those engaging in daily disinformation deserve daily responses.

@ShadowingTrump will be a comprehensive, one-stop portal of “Citizen Secretaries” who will comment agency-by-agency not just on small “lies” but especially on false narratives in the service of political ends…on issues both in headlines and within the bureaucracy.


“Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored.”

– Aldous Huxley


Ours is not a partisan but a substantive concern that unrebutted distortions confuse credulous citizens & produce bad policies. Daily he appears to care about only vanity, money, headlines and family (his). To counter all this, our Shadow Cabinet will be:

  1. Deciphering Trump’s “twistifications” (Jefferson’s word),
  2. Suggesting progressive alternatives, and
  3. Explaining why his contempt for the media, judiciary, science & dissent reflects a creeping authoritarianism.

Ideally, our interdisciplinary combination can sharpen public debate and update Ben Franklin’s foundational premise that “Ultimately, when truth and error have fair play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter.”

So please follow us @ShadowingTrump…unless you think that democracy is already working just fine in America.